Helpful Information
In a world full of different terms, fast changing trends, and different ways to get information, trying to explain different techniques and ways to achieve specific looks can be overwhelming. Here are some helpful images/explanations for your next appointment!

What is Tone?
Your hair's tone is defined by how warm or cool a shade it is.
Warm hair tones have gold or copper highlights, whereas cool hair tones have no gold or red hues.
Any artificial ash tone will revert back to neutral/gold, so which tones you pick is also a deciding factor in how much maintenance you will have!
Rooting Options
Root…Melt? Smudge? Shadow? Tap?
We’re here to break it down!
Services have changed a LOT over the last 3-5 years and the verbiage can get confusing. Our goal is to make communication easier between our stylists and clients.
The beauty industry tends to use these terms interchangeably. So while this is what we consider these root options to be, another salon or stylist might use them differently. We always recommend showing pictures to make sure terms aren’t getting mixed up!

What is Balayage?
Balayage is one of our most requested services, but not actually one of our most performed!
Balayage is a technique to give soft dimension and an easy grow out, but often times it’s requested when wanting high contrast or a lot of lift (which won’t happen with a true balayage technique).
Although balayage is an application technique, we understand why people think it’s a style and are happy to get your desired look using other techniques! Chat with your stylist on what’s best for you!
What is a Platinum Card?
A platinum card is a frequently used technique at Blank Canvas. If you have come in wanting a creative color, bleach and tone with longer roots, or a transformation from a darker color to blonde, we will almost always start with a platinum card.
A platinum card is a very long and involved application technique to get the hair to the lightest level possible. Although the time, knowledge and product put this service on the more expensive side, it usually only has to be done at the initial appointment, and maintenance appointments can take over after.
We also believe that when it’s done right, by a skilled and well trained stylist, it’s one of the healthiest and most controlled ways to all over lighten.​